Monday, September 19, 2011

Blog #9- Rational Approach

I remember a time when I was really upset. When I was about 10 years old, my grandpa died. I was very emotional. He was my idol and I loved him very much. As he was sick at his house, we visited him every week until he died. At the time my brother was just born. The trips were very hard on my brother because he was just a little baby and he cried the whole car rides. The trip to my grandpa's house was about an hour, so the trips were long for all of us, but worth it because we got to see him a lot before he passed. Well since I was young at the time, all I really knew was to get upset. I did not really know much better and I had only been to like one other funeral in my life. I was sad and upset that he was sick. My parents were very supportive. They were sad, but they helped me through it. They told me about heaven and that is where our loved ones go when they pass. They tried to explain to me that even though he was not here, he would still be with us. They told me that it is actually better when they pass because they go to a better place than we are at. They took a very calm approach with me because I did not really understand and I did not think it was fair. I loved my grandpa and once the trips stopped, I was very sad that I did not get the chance to see him anymore. He was sick with cancer. My parents tried their best to make me understand that sometimes these things just happen and it is no one's fault, and there was really nothing we could do. They used a more rational and practical approach to make me realize that there is another alternative to every situation. Even though it still upsets me at times, I just remember all the things that my parents told me and I feel a whole lot better.

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