Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Discussion Question 4-The Grapes of Wrath

3. I would have to say that the hero in Grapes of Wrath is mother Joad. She was the rock and the core of the family. Along their trip, she knew exactly how to fix any problems that came up. She held the family together for the longest time. Overall, she taught her kids many solutions. She was loving, caring, passionate, and not afraid to stand up to anybody. She learned how to use her voice throughout the trip, and when she spoke, everyone listened to what she had to say. She was there for her family when they needed her. She helped her husband think of solutions and plans. She had stood up to him for the first time because she knew she was right, but she did not want to speak her mind. She helped Tommy keep out of trouble so he was not sent back to jail. She comforted him and helped him get past his anger to show him he belongs with the family. Mother Joad helped her daughter Roseahorn a lot because she was pregnant. She taught her many life lessons and was there to comfort her when she felt weak, when she felt like giving up, and when she thought her child would not turn out okay. She was very outspoken as time when on and that helped bring the family together and really helped them to survive through the toughest times. As for herself, she accomplished many things. She found her inner self, which I think is one of the most important things in the book. She learned that she had a voice and she could stand up against her husband. She taught herself that she is strong and that no one is going to talk down to her. She came up with an inner strength that gave her the courage to threaten others and manipulate them into listening to her. Her character completely changed for the better. She represents strength. Without her, the family would have no clue what to do. They would have been lost without the core of the family.

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